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Word could not describe
Citizen Maisey at Lincoln Memorial

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Maisey has a great dad!

So, being that it is Father's Day, I decided to brag on my husband little since I probably don't do that nearly enough. Steve is a great dad. He just is. Not because he does everything perfectly all the time, but because he admits when he doesn't and moves on. Over the past nine years of our parenting journey together, what I love most about my husband is that he is continuously willing to alter his course when necessary. He is not rigid or prideful, but flexible and humble. Parenting has done the best job anything could of teaching us to be humble and dependent on God's grace. Our children constantly show us clearly the areas where we are lacking. As we wade our way through the uncertainty that parenting is, I am so glad to have him by my side. I am thankful that my boys have his example. I am thankful I will have the opportunity to parent another blessing with him. I am just plain thankful for him.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful bragging. I do admit Lisa that you have a wonderful husband and a loving, caring Dad to your children.
