Word could not describe

Word could not describe
Citizen Maisey at Lincoln Memorial

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Even More Photos


  1. Steve & Lisa,
    Emma & I have been following your blog. Thank you, for sharing this journey with us. I so often shed tears with you- tears of joy for your sweet, precious Maisy & tears of sadness over what the other orphans endure. Thank you for helping us to see through your collective "Clark" eyes.

    I even think Eric is following along-- he's not much of a blog reader so that is saying a lot! :)

    Praying you continue to feel the peace, protection and presence of the Lord...
    Maria Zematis

  2. My daughter had those same two fingers in her mouth all the time. I think she finally quit doing that when she was 8 and had to get an expander on the roof of her mouth - lol! SO adorable!
